Thursday, May 5, 2011

aMaZinG BennOk!

my baby, bennok is only 18 months old. and yet he already know the letters of the Alphabet. he can also recognize numbers from 1 to ten. please watch for the video to see for yourself.

YaKiMiX pOdiUM -- 2nd ViSit

After our first yakimix experience, daddy bee and myself really wanted to go back there and have another taste of everything it has to offer. Last April 27 was our second visit, but this time we went for a weekday lunch buffet. And as planned we did not bring our precious baby for us to eat freely, hehehe (bad mommy).

my first plate
 I originally ordered mango juice for my drink. But after the first glass I find it too sweet so I changed for the blue lemonade.
Then daddy went on for the grilling part.

June 9, 2009 PART 2

This is the continuation of my post titled June 9, 2009.

After our engagement happened on October 17, 2008, (will try to photoblog about this) we started to save up for our wedding. Unfortunately my mom was diagnosed of myoma and operated in February 2009. Our savings was spent for her operation and hospitalization. Later part of that same month, we found out that I am pregnant. Of course we are both happy but the fact that we wanted to get married first before the baby did not materialize. And since we are broke at that time, we do not know if we will push through the wedding anytime soon or we will just have it postponed. Personally I prefer to have it postponed to at least have our planned/dream wedding, but my husband then boyfriend and elders wanted to have the wedding as soon as possible for the child's sake. March to April we were so busy looking for funds for our wedding. I should say I am very lucky to have someone like my husband as he literally did everything just to have the funds for our wedding. and so we were able to finalize the details first week of May 2009. From then we speed up all the preps. Date, venue, caterer and everything. So this wedding was really prepared for only a month. This was the product of our combined idea and his perspiration.

our sketched baby pics in wedding attire - used in invitation